What is Community Acupuncture?
Community Acupuncture is a social business model established to address and solve the problem that many people can not receive regular acupuncture because they can not overcome the out of pocket cost of acupuncture. It is a common issue that many people struggle with. To help find a resolution to this issue ICA provides our treatments in a large cozy room in comfy reclining chairs. Community Acupuncturists see a higher number of patients in a shorter amount of time. This enables us to keep the cost accessible and still administer highly effective treatments. Patients stay fully clothed and are asked to wear loose items that roll easily past their knees and elbows.
We know the next question and it’s a Great one!
How can you treat my back, hips or neck pain when you can’t reach those areas? In fact, back, hip and neck pain are in the top five chief complaints that we see everyday! As you may know channels and meridians that contain acupuncture points run from head to toe on both the front and back of the body. By accessing distal points on the scalp, arms, legs, ears and occasionally the abdomen, we can elicit healing reactions and improve circulation to areas that we can’t come into direct contact with. Think about a wall switch that turns on an over head light. When you want to turn on that light you don’t need to climb a ladder and screw in the bulb every time, right? You simply walk into the room and flip the switch and on comes the overhead light! That’s what we do in community acupuncture to treat back, neck and hip pain!